What Happens In Vagus Definitely Doesn’t Stay In Vagus...
What happens in Vagus…😏 You know the old saying don’t you? Except we aren’t talking Vegas 😎 we are talking Vagus. 🤓
Patch or Fix?
When it comes to chiropractic care, find out why fixing the problem (instead of “patching” it) makes the most sense. Don’t believe us, check out some exciting new research.
Understanding Your “aOS”
Can Apple’s operating system hold up to the one you’re running on?
New Year, New You?
Are you guilty of making resolutions every New Year but not being able to accomplish them? Read on for tips on making your resolutions attainable this year.
Your Inner Mask
It’s cold and flu season in NH amidst all things Covid-19. Are you doing enough to stay well besides wearing a mask?
Cultivating Gratitude During Thanksgiving - Pandemic Edition
Thanksgiving week is upon us and this year might have really tested your ability to see gratitude with all things Covid-19, especially if you can’t be with family this year to celebrate. I encourage all of you to give this a read.
Why You Should Be Supplementing With Vitamin D3
This is a MUST for all of us Granite Stater’s this time of year. Please read more to learn about how to best give your immune system the upper hand before cold and flu season really hits.
“All That Noise and All That Sound”
In this entry, we are talking about “that sound” you might hear when getting adjusted by a Chiropractor and setting the record straight.